We Find Home With Poor Credit

Henry James was unable to get any credit to buy a home due to a poor credit score. Papers show that James were having negative credit score rating due to late payments, unmet obligations and so many credits on his identity. To him, it was almost impossible, almost like a dream to buy a two-story home worth 300,000$ plus home. He had to start looking a Credit Cards for No Credit but although that would help him with short term lending for small purchases, that wouldn’t help him by a 300,000$ plus house.

He was having bad credit report. He worked full time in a private company and his wife was housewife with two children. They were living in a very short apartment leaving no room for their 2 and four-year-old daughter and son to move and play without hitting furniture or any of the walls in the house.

‘It was impossible for me to get credit with the current credit score, state the James himself. He wanted better for his family. His wife and mother got on the deed and with this; together they bought a home and shifted there.

The first lender he approached rejected him because of poor credit score but when he goggled his question, he got the landing page of our website and contacted us.

He was amazed when we contacted him and sometimes, he thinks maybe he will not get this. He was sincere answering our questions and kept his expectation really low. Then his request of getting loan was granted and he was happy to buy another home big enough for his family to play, grow and live happily.

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The James moved to their new home recently. It is such a family friendly surrounding and neighborhood with every possible facility of schools, hospital, parks and banks.

“The neighborhood is filled with children ages”, five and six, he said “and it is really good for my kids to grow”, he added.

He is really happy and contended that he contacted us and got the credit that he really required. We offered him affordable rate and he considered lucky that he contacted us and cherishes our interaction.

He has left a very good review on our website and spread positive word of mouth to everyone.

John I. McKoy- I write articles on personal finances. I work on a daily basis.

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