Packing Boxes Like A Professional: Use the Packaging Materials

Moving signifies change. It is always exciting when you embark on a new journey in life. However, there’s something intimidating about a move—just seeing all the items you need to pack is enough to delay the process as long as you can. 

One way to minimise the jitters is to break down the deed into digestible acts. Here are some tips on how you go about the packing:

  1. Make your preparations early. Do not cram everything on the eve of the move. 
  2. Organise by making a list. Break down the process into a series of tasks, which you need to split into phases—from cleaning, sorting, and packing. 
  3. Think of the move as an opportunity to start over and purge items that will only weigh you down when you transfer to your new home. 
  4. Divide your home into sections so that you can pack easier. 

Bonus tip: You can ask the box mover to send you empty boxes. One benefit is that these containers comply with standards of sturdiness and durability.  

How to Choose Your Boxes

It is better to buy new boxes for the move. Choose packages of different sizes. For example, you can use small boxes to store books, tools, kitchen items, and other small pieces. A medium box will store toys, pillowcases, clothing, small appliances, shoes, and towels. A large box will contain your linen, bedsheets, winter clothes, stuffed toys, duvets, and lampshades, among others.

  1. Moving boxes are similar to an ordinary box in weight and size. For instance, a 3.0 cubic foot moving box can safely carry a maximum of 65 pounds. The dimension would be 18x18x16 inches. A 6.0 cubic foot box measures 22x22x21 inches and can carry a load of 70 pounds.
  2. Wardrobe boxes have an average dimension of 24x24x34 inches. As the name suggests, they are perfect to store your winter clothes and the metal bar will add backbone to the structure and another layer of protection to your items. 
  3. The number of boxes depends on the size of your home. A good rule of thumb is to count the number of rooms. If you have 2-3 rooms, you may need about six boxes or eight medium boxes. 
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Tip: Do not forget to label your boxes, making it easier to unload the items in your new home. It will also help the movers be extra mindful of some packages that contain fragile pieces.

When to Use Bubble Wraps, Foam Sheets, and Tissue Papers?

Not all items need extra protection. For instance, boxes and most kitchen items do not need to be covered with bubble wrap. 

You may need the bubble wrap for the following items:

  • Mirror
  • TV 
  • Glass items and figurines
  • Electronics
  • Computers
  • Fine china
  • Fragile items

You must put a layer of paper between the TV screen and the bubble wrap to avoid scratching the LED. 

Foam sheet is made of lightweight material that is ideal for protecting a variety of household items. They are pre-cut to protect:

  • Dishes
  • Fine china
  • Hard drive
  • Drinking glasses
  • Mirrors
  • Picture frames

One advantage of foam sheets is that they are thinner compared to bubble wraps, which means you can stuff more items into your moving box. 

Tissue paper does not provide ample protection to fragile items. However, you can use it to fill the gaps between the pieces to secure them in place. It is crucial for fragile items so that they would sustain damage during the long drive.

Finally, tape the bottom of your boxes to secure your items properly. 

Once you finish sorting out your items, you can contact a box mover to haul the bulk items to their destination. These professional hauliers will even bring you empty boxes if you do not have any packaging materials on hand.

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