How to Make your own Standing Desk – DIY with 9 easy steps!


Ever wanted a standing desk and you checked the prices online and you’re like whoa! quite expensive? I know that feeling. On the other hand, standing desks are like some big kinda project that people do not think of making one themselves. Well, I will teach you how to make a unique DIY standing desk you’ll definitely love and people will wonder where you got yours from. One amazing thing about the things you do yourself is that you have the power to make it your own TASTE. They are as unique as possible, beautiful, elegant, cheaper and serves the same purpose as the ones you buy.

I don’t know why but so many people wonder what they would need a DIY standing desk for but let me emphasize some great benefits. If you’re thinking “why would I need a standing desk? I should be sitting at my desk, not standing!” Well, you’re not wrong. It’s only right to sit at your desk and work; but it’s better to stand at your desk, at least occasionally. It has some tangible benefits.

If you do a lot of work at your desk, probably working on a computer for long hours, studies have shown that you may be at a higher risk of exposure to some health conditions. Among such issues are diabetes, blood clots and cardiovascular disease. If your total number of sitting hours in a week is up to 30 hours, you may be at risk. Here’s the tricky part: Exercise does not cancel the effects of prolonged sitting, regardless of the intensity of such exercise. If you wish to cancel the effects of prolonged sitting, simply stop sitting for so long. A standing desk will automatically reduce your sitting hours drastically and makes you burn more calories in the process.

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Furthermore, if you sit upright for long hours, you may begin to feel some pain from your neck downwards to your back. For me, I begin to feel this pain when I’ve been sitting for about 8 hours. Yours may be more or less. Rather than spend quality work time trying to stretch out your back, you can continue your work at a standing desk while you are being relieved of the stress pain.

It even gets better. There’s a mental side to these benefits. When you work while standing, you are more likely to pay closer attention to the job and work faster. You probably think the reverse is the case—that you’ll work better when sitting; in a relaxed posture. All you need to do is try doing one hour of work while sitting, and another hour of work while standing, then compare the quantity and quality of work done in that time. Thank me later!

One more benefit! Blood circulation in the body is much better and smoother when you’re standing than when you’re sitting. Have you ever noticed that you feel a little drowsy after heavy meals? Standing at your work desk can help you beat this drowsiness by improving blood flow in your body.Now that you know what you stand to gain by having a standing desk, let’s dive into the real deal; making one.

Getting started on how to make your own standing desk, you’ll need the following;

  • A solid wood panel
  • A good frame like SmartDesk Kit Base from Autonomous
  • Iron pipes in these dimensions:
  • 1 piece of a 5 feet long iron pipe.
  • 4 pieces of 30 inches pipe
  • 2 pieces of 18 inches pipe
  • 4 four inches pipe
  • 2 Tee fixtures
  • 2 four-way Tee fixtures
  • 4 caps
  • 4 screw flangers
  • Screws
  • Driller
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Follow these steps to make a standing desk frame

Step 1:

Attach the caps to each 4 inch pipe by screwing the cap to the end of the pipe. The caps serve as underlay or bottom to the SmartDesk Kit frame. It allows it sit well on the ground and ensure it is fixed.

Step 2:

Attach the screw flangers to the longer pieces of pipes that is the four 30- inch long pipes. The side of the pipe that you attach the flanger will serve as the top of the desk frame.

Step 3:

Attach the Tee fixtures to the other side of the 30 inches long pipe. Make sure you attach the Tee on the vertical side of the fixture. Do this for the 4 pipes

Step 4:

Screw the 4 four inches pipes in the other vertical side of the Tee fixture you used for the 30 inches pipe.

Step 5:

Attach the 2 pieces of 18 inches pipe to the last side of the Tee fixture on 2 pipes. ( the pipes are 2 out of the 4 thirty inches pipes we fixed the Tee fixtures in step 4)

Step 6:

Attach the one piece of 5 feet long pipe to the remaining horizontal side of the 4-way Tee fixtures of the remaining two pipes

Step 7:

Measure from the top where you attached the flanges to the bottom where the cap is. Measure the four sides to ensure they are equal and even.

Step 8:

Get your solid wood panel ready. Turn the side where the flangers will be attached up and set the frame on it with the 4 sides with the screw flangers fixed close to the corners of the wood

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Step 9:

Drill holes into it with a driller and screw it up with the screw pins to make it firm

Then, your DIY standing desk is set!

Note that the size of your frame depends on your taste. You can choose to use a longer frame and you can also choose to use a shorter frame. The length of your frame also depends on the length of the pipes you use to make it. However, I will teach you a trick you can use to make your frame longer or shorter. To make the frame longer, attach a longer pipe to where you screwed the shortest pipe which is the 4 inches long pipe. On the other hand, you can make it shorter by using the 4-inch pipes.

Category: DIY
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