Own Mattress

Can You Make Your Own Mattress?

The quality of your sleep depends on different factors. Those factors can be your sleeping position, the time you slept, the activities you did before sleeping, and the mattress you are using right now. That’s why we should be aware of the materials used on the mattress we are sleeping on to be sure that we can make the most out of our bedtime. Can you make your own mattress? If you can, it is a great option. But before you start DIYing your own mattress, check out Slumber Search to see if you can find a mattress matching your requirements, available at a price less than what you would spend while making your own mattress.

Advantages of Making your Own Mattress

Advantages of Making you
Here are some of the advantages of making your own mattress. Check them to see if it’s the right time for you to make your own too.

  • Avoid Getting Allergies

Making your own mattress is a great option especially if you are avoiding materials that can trigger allergies. To do that, choose for natural materials for your mattress and opt for a futon frame to elevate the bed off of the floor.

  • Best for Those Who love DIYs

It is also a wise option to make your own mattress if you love to customize things. You can experiment on different materials to create the best mattress for your bedroom and get the satisfaction of doing it yourself. You could always get some inspiration from a few of the best mattress manufacturing companies in the US.

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Common Materials used for making your Mattress

Consider the following materials used for most of the mattress available in the market to make your very own mattress.

1.Polyurethane Foam

Polyurethane Foam
This foam is also known as egg crate which is commonly used as a top layer for mattresses. Although polyurethane foams are not high in quality, mattress manufacturers tend to use this material to add support and softness on their product. Polyurethane foams are highly flammable and significantly distressing for the environment due to its petroleum-based content.

2.Memory Foam

Memory Foam
This material helps the mattress to absorb pressure by its chemical contents. It provides higher density for foams which makes the mattress extra durable. However, toxic chemicals like vinylidene chloride, MDA, and more are also found in the said material.


A typical mattress includes layers of either synthetic, natural, or a blend of latex foam. Natural latex is obtained from rubber trees that are mixed with antioxidants and ammonia for preservation. Meanwhile, synthetic latex is made in laboratories which are composed of petroleum-based ingredients. When it comes to blending latex, gel, memory, latex or polyurethane, this material is high in density so it retains more heat. When used in constructing mattresses, this material works to relieve the pressure points of the body.


This material makes the mattress very soft and warm. Feathers are typically used in the toppers of mattresses. Preventing feathers from butting out of the covers are the only annoying thing about this material.


This natural material is derived from sheep. Mattress manufacturers utilize wool to insulate air inside the mattress. Wool can keep air among its fibers which are also known to be water resistant. Additionally, wool allows vapors to freely pass through.

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Steps to Make your Own Mattress

Here is the process of making your own mattress.

  1. You can start with a layer of poly foam. Buy cheap poly foam from anywhere and it will do. Besides, you will never feel it anyway; it will be embedded deep down from all the layers you will add on the next steps.
  2. On this step, buy different types of softer foams according to its benefits to achieve the feel you prefer for your mattress.
  3. After selecting the foams for your mattress, place one layer on top of the other but make sure to put the softest on the top. Of course, the top layer is the one you will feel more so it’s very important to make it soft. In every layer, make sure to add adhesives between them.
  4. astly, select an ultra soft cover to wrap it up. Organic cotton sheets can be the best option.

Making your own mattress requires effort and time. So if you aren’t interested in making one it might be worth your while to read some reviews at Mattress Battle to help you decide on which one you will purchase. However, the benefits you will reap after making your own mattress is worthwhile. Now, can you make your own mattress? If you have completed this article I can proudly say that now you can.

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