6 Simple Ways to Setup an Amazing Thanksgiving Buffet

The holiday season is about to begin and the best part about holidays is the food which you get to eat at all the dinner/lunch parties.

Holidays are the time where everyone finally gets free and spends time with their friends and family.

The perfect way to greet everyone and have fun is by organizing a gathering. While gatherings are exciting, the hosts can have a tough time organizing the food.

Whether you are a small family or a large one, you must be planning to invite friends over for a Thanksgiving meal soon. Start making a plan for your Thanksgiving table now, so it will help you get ready for the big day.

Have a look at the following tips, and they will help you in setting up the ideal Thanksgiving buffet.

  • Make Sure That You Have Everything

It can get tricky if just before dinner, you find out that you are short on something. One part of the planning process is to make sure that you have everything from cutlery to chairs to food.

For buffets, you need lots of platters to accommodate everyone. It can be awkward if your guests are seated and you don’t have any platters to serve the food in. Start planning for platters in advance, so when the time comes, you don’t run out of dishes. Before the actual day, lay out all the dishes on the table and label all of them, so you don’t miscount them.

  • Don’t Forget the Dessert

Organizing an entire dinner can be hectic and sometimes people completely forget about the dessert. A dinner is incomplete with any sweet item, and you have to make sure that your guests are able to enjoy that.

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One of my favorite dessert ideas is to make little cones with Pizzelle cookies while they are still hot. After that, you can put up a bowl of Nutella and ice-cream on the table. Your guests can eat the cones with chocolate and ice-cream. Making pizzelles is not difficult, and you can easily use a Pizzelle Maker. You can navigate here to know more about the best Pizzelle makers.

  • What Items To Put On Buffet Table and Dining Table?

You are not going to put everything on the buffet table because that can create a mess. You should divide all the items into two groups. One group should be placed on the dining table and the other on the buffet table.

As a rule, you should place all the big items on the buffet table, so they are easily accessible. This group will have all the side dishes and turkey. Other smaller items, such as gravy and sauce, can be placed on the dining table. This way, the guests can add more to their plates without having to wait in a line.

  • Put Drinks on a Separate Table

While most of the items will be on the dining table and buffet table, you should put the drinks on a separate table. It will make it easy for the guests to get a drink at any time, whenever they want!

  • Plan the Flow of the Buffet

A common problem that you face in a buffet dinner is the irregular flow of the buffet. A lot of guests don’t even get any plates, and that can be frustrating.

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Start the dinner by giving all of your guests their plates. You should also determine beforehand where you will put the dishes and in which order. For example, the food that is in abundance, like salads, should be the first in the row. After that, place the smaller and richer dishes like meat.

After the guests are done, they should pass all the utensils stacked on the buffet table, so they don’t experience any inconvenience later on.

  • Your Guests Should Know What They Are Eating

Sometimes you go to a buffet, and there are a lot of dishes that you are not familiar with. There is a chance that you mistake one dish for another. As you try those dishes, you may or may not like them and will regret adding them in your plate in the first place.

Sometimes people are on a diet plan because of health complications and are avoiding certain items. Make sure your guests understand what they are eating. It is better if you label every dish so that people know what is being served to them.

Follow these tips on your next Thanksgiving buffet and let us know if they were helpful!

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