6 Marvelous Backyard Privacy Ideas

Having your own backyard can make your home much more comfortable, especially in the current state of the pandemic, when in some places, people still need to stay indoors because of mandated lockdowns. Sometimes, we all need just a bit of happiness to make us feel whole, and sitting in your sun kissed backyard, enjoying some peace is definitely that type of happiness. However, being surrounded by neighbors can be annoying, especially when you want to enjoy some private, solitary time in your backyard. 

Therefore, here are some amazing privacy tips that will help you turn your backyard into your own personal cozy space.

Just plant some greenery along

This might take some time to work, but it’s definitely the most eco-friendly solution out there. Plus, your backyard will look so much prettier with some lush and gorgeous greenery surrounding it. Using bushes or boxwood as a natural leafy fence is a wonderful addition to your yard while providing you with plenty of privacy. But, if you are insistent on using trees, then be prepared to wait for a bit, unless you decide to opt for fast-growing trees such as Arborvitae, Leyland cypress, or holly. 

Build a lattice fence 

A lattice fence is simple to build, and it is quite inexpensive and quick to install. You’ll only need some wooden boards or posts, and of course, some lattice to cover them. This is a great budget-friendly option if you want a quick solution that will provide you with enough privacy. In case you want to make it more colorful, feel free to repaint the lattice with any colors that you like. 

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Install a regular fence

If you want to have complete privacy, then installing a regular fence might be the right solution for you. There are numerous materials to choose from, so be sure to consult a professional if you have any questions or doubts. Also, when dealing with fencing installation, it’s also important to choose a company or professional team that will get the job done properly. The easiest way to get the fence that you need is to know what you want, so the team will be able to make it happen with ease.

Get a pergola 

A pergola is a brilliant idea if you want to get some privacy, without blocking the access to the sunlight. Plus, in case you have a seating area in your backyard, a pergola is a sure way to hide it from curious onlookers. That’s why opting for a pergola is a much quicker, yet still effective solution if you need to protect only one corner, instead of the whole backyard. Having a pergola in your backyard is also a lovely way to combine comfort, privacy and shade, all in once!

Consider a grill screen 

A grill screen is an excellent suggestion, as it allows you to grow climbing plants, adding more privacy in the process, while making your backyard greener and prettier. This is also a great idea if you want to have a barbecue area, as it provides enough privacy without hiding too much. The best way to add more privacy is to choose something that will keep you safely tucked from prying eyes, plus, with some creativity, you’ll be able to use it to turn your ordinary backyard into your perfect little oasis of peace and happiness.

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Make a privacy screen


A privacy screen is a simple, yet very effective solution, if you need to cover one particular space from prying eyes. Therefore, in case you have an old, unused door, you can use it as a privacy screen, either in the original form or repainted. You can repaint the doors if you want them to match your backyard’s color scheme, of course, if you have it in the first place. This is also a very eco-friendly solution, so aside from the old doors, you can also reuse old shutters. There are also premade privacy screens that you can buy, if that’s your preference. 


These suggestions are a great place to start if you’re considering to add more privacy to your backyard. Some of them are also very easy to implement and budget-friendly. Besides, choosing to go with either one of them will definitely keep you and your family safe, mainly from intruders and curious onlookers alike. 

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