Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume

Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume Tutorial

We are very thankful to Bonnie and Beth Abelew for participating in our Halloween Costume Contest. They have submitted this beautiful Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume and you guys definitely going to love it. If you want to give a unique and beautiful look to your dogs for this Halloween. Give a try to this awesome costume. Follow the below instruction and material used by Bonnie and Beth Abelew to make this costume.

Did you ever wonder how a rainbow gets it’s colors? We always did, and we finally found out the answer. Phoenix and Gryphon are the rainbow fairies, who sit atop the rainbow and paint on the colors with paintbrushes.

Materials and Tools:
– Rainbow pattern shirts
– Rainbow arm warmers
– Blue and purple gloves
– Poly-Fil Stuffing
– Needle and thread
– Paintbrushes
– Rainbow wings
– Glue
– Rainbow skirts
– Rainbow leg warmers
– Rainbow shoes
– Rainbow wigs
– Rainbow crowns
– Elastic
– Pool noodles in all the colors of the rainbow
– Glue gun and glue sticks
– White posterboard

Step 1: Rainbow Fairy Shirt with Arms and Wings

To make the rainbow fairies, we started out with shirts that had a pattern that looked like a drippy rainbow. We stuffed rainbow arm warmers and gloves in blue and purple with stuffing, and then attached them to the shirts. We attached paintbrushes to the fingers of the gloves with string, trying to make it look like the hand was holding them. We also got wings with rainbow colors, which we glued onto the back of the shirts.

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Step 2: Rainbow Fairy Skirt with Legs

We then took rainbow patterned skirts and attached rainbow leg warmers, which we also had stuffed. We got rainbow shoes intended for babies, and attached them to the ends of the legs.

Step 3: Rainbow Fairy Wig and Crown

We topped the rainbow fairy outfits off with rainbow colored wigs. We got rainbow crowns of flowers, and tied these on atop the wigs. We strung the wigs with elastic, so the dogs would be able to wear them.

Step 4: Giant Rainbow

We used pool noodles to create the giant rainbow. We glued two of each color together, end to end, with a glue gun. We had to make sure not to use too much glue, or put the nozzle of the glue gun too close to the noodles, or it burns holes. We then bent each color into a rainbow shape, and glued all the colors together. Each color had to be cut progressively shorter as the rainbow got narrower towards the middle. We ended the rainbow with clouds, which we made by gluing stuffing onto posterboard cloud shapes, and then gluing these to each end of the rainbow.

Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume Tutorial

Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume Tutorial

Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume

If you are going to try this costume for your dogs during the Halloween. Don’t forget to share your thought and view about this costume in the comment section.

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