10 Personalized Christmas Stockings Ideas With Tutorials

Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle all the way; Santa Claus is coming around riding all the way; this jingle is often sung during Christmas that indicates the arrival of Santa Claus. It is a belief that Santa brings gifts for his lovable children and he keeps those gifts in the stockings that hung over that window all the night.

Personalized Christmas Stockings

This is the reason people keep stockings hanging all over the night. Personalized Christmas stockings are made keeping this thing in mind. These are made for enjoying many years that are going to come. Some of the custom made Christmas Stockings are easily available in the market.

However, if you create them on your own; it will be a great gift for you. Here are some DIY ideas for creating wonderful personalized Christmas Stockings for everyone around you:

Personalized Christmas Stockings Ideas With Tutorials

Pom Pom Trim Stocking

These stockings are really wonderful when prepared. You can easily make them giving it a special touch. Take some special fabric linen and a thin metallic stripe. You can take ½ yard fabric, ½ yard lining and ½ yard pom pom trim. Use 16” and 4 ½” piece of minky for cuff and 6” ribbon piece.

Once you have the stocking pattern ready, just trace it on your fabric to ensure that right sides are together. Fold the fabric in half so when you cut it, you will get two pieces. Join both pieces and stitch ½ seam around the stocking.

Once these are stitched, cut few notches around the curves so it takes away some bulk. Take the lining piece and insert it in the stockings. Make cuffs and hangers from a furry fabric. Instead, you can also use a ribbon piece and sew the ends of the cuff together. Decorate the stockings with a white lace. Learn How To Make

Pom Pom Trim Stocking

Vintage Stocking With Rocking Horse

Designed stockings are wonderful and it is good to create ones from the ideas gained from your creative minds. Different style stockings make attract Santa to give you more gifts (Just kidding).
These vintage stockings with rocking horse look awesome and can be easily made from premium linen.

This premium linen is 100% cotton and comes with a loop through which these can be easily hung. You can easily wash them in machine. Create them as per your own size choice i.e. large or extra large.

This rocking horse on the stockings suggests quick arrival of Santa, arriving on the horse at a speed to give you gifts and fulfill your dreams within stipulated time frame. Learn How To Make

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Vintage Stocking With Rocking Horse

Colorful Patterned Stockings

We all love to hang that sock shaped bag on the Christmas Eve with a hope that Father Christmas will fill it with toys, chocolates, fruits, coins and many such small things when he arrives. These items are known as stocking fillers.

When Santa comes to fill our stockings with gifts, he must love to see them and that is why it is necessary to have beautiful stockings as these can attract beautiful gifts. Colorful Patterned stockings can easily serve the purpose. These stockings can be made by using cotton clothes of various patterns.

You can use any pattern such as Pinwheels, Robot Fabrics, Sherbet Pips Fabric and Babies Fabric and many more fabrics can be included. Just create your own design and be ready to receive marvelous gifts. Learn How To Make

Colorful Patterned Stockings

Hand Sewn Christmas Stockings

We can make our Christmas special with our hand sewn personalized Christmas Stockings. Things like sewing is sometimes fun and especially if these contain the initials of your near and dear ones; it will be a wonderful surprise for them as well as they will treasure it forever.

You can use any fabric for Christmas stockings and also a narrow ribbon for hanging loop. Just cut out two stockings from main fabric and draw any shape such as heart, star or tree, trace to its reverse on the wrong side and cut it out.

Now, stitch them together and fold ribbon in half to create hanging loop. Press seam allowances open. With stocking wrong side out and matching cuff side, pin cuff to top edge of stocking. Check the initials on the cuff, turn right side out and press; your Hand sewn Christmas Stockings are ready. Hang them to get filled with gifts. Learn How To Make

Hand Sewn Christmas Stockings

Coastal Christmas Stockings

According to some stories, Stockings have only toys for children while some also contain gifts wrapped up and placed under the Christmas tree. These stockings are also kept besides the bed so Santa can fill them while they are sleeping.

You can keep Coastal Christmas Stockings besides your bedposts to get them filled with presents while you are asleep. For these Stockings, you must have images or we can say patches of coastal creatures such as Fish, crab, star fish, sea horse, dolphin etc that you can stick on the stockings.

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You can also draw and color them. Just cut the stockings from any cotton fabric stitch two pieces together and then fix these pictures on these stockings or you can also draw and color them.
Your coastal Christmas stockings are ready. Learn How To Make

Coastal Christmas Stockings

Pins Stockings

We often wonder from where this tradition of hanging stockings took place and there’s a small story about it of a poor man who had three beautiful daughters and he had no money to get his daughters married, this made him worry about them. Saint Nicolas once heard villagers talking about the girls.

Now, this poor man won’t accept charity and Nicolas wanted to help him so he decided to do this secretly. At night, he threw three bags of gold out of which one landed in the stocking. The father and his daughters found this in morning and their happiness knew no bounds. The girls were happily married.

So, this is why we hang stockings to avail gifts from Saint Nicolas. You can have your designed Monogram pins stockings. Just create the monograms with wooden letters or purchase them from the market, get some acrylic paint and some sparkle texture. Stick the safety pins at the top of these letters and then attach them to the stockings.

Your stockings are ready to be placed besides your bed posts on Christmas Eve. Learn How To Make

Monogram Pins Stockings

Monogrammed Christmas Stockings

Among many great ideas that you might have for making Christmas Stockings; one idea is to have Monogrammed Christmas Stockings. For this, use some smooth fabric such as fluffy wool and cut them in the shape of stockings; stick two pieces together.

Now, create monograms using the same fabric in white color; you can create monograms of letters, leaves, antlers and many more as seen in this image. Once you are done with these monograms; stick them to the stockings cuff and your Monogrammed Christmas Stockings are ready to receive gifts. Learn How To Make

Monogrammed Christmas Stockings

Denim Christmas Stockings

When this tradition began, people used their everyday socks and then as time passed special Christmas Stockings such as Denim Christmas Stockings were created for this purpose. These stockings can be easily created.

Cut the front side of the Stockings from the top of jeans including the waist band, lay the pattern on one side, trace the pattern and cut that first part so you can open it up. Once you have got both the stocking parts, it’s time to decorate it.

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Get the toe and heel patterns from any fusible paper, cut the shapes and then remove the backing, fuss it to the toe and heel of the denim base. Your Denim stockings are ready to be hanged or kept on the bed side. Learn How To Make

Denim Christmas Stockings

Polka Dots Christmas Stockings

Another amazing style of Christmas stockings is Polka Dot Christmas Stockings that will easily grab the attention of people. Stockings are created mainly to grab the attention of Santa or Saint Nicolas so that he can give us marvelous gifts.

We can find large variety of stockings in the store and these are so popular in homemade craft. For these Polka dot stockings, get the fabric of your choice; trace the stockings and repeat the same with broad cloth. Trace toe and heel pattern on the fabric and cut out.
Insert muslin strip and stitch down the center; add a cotton bow and cut 5” ribbon strip; place it diagonally facing the raw edge at the top of stocking.

Your beautiful Christmas stockings are ready!! Learn How To Make

Polka Dots Christmas Stockings

White Christmas Stockings

The World’s largest Christmas stocking is about 51m 35cm in length and 21m 63 cm width. Imagine how keen people are to receive gifts from Father Christmas! You would be also in the same condition now.

These White Christmas Stockings can prove your dreams to be true. You can create them with materials such as Premium Vinyl (gold and silver), preferable Christmas stockings and deer design (you can either create one or stick the one available from other sources).

Write your name on the Silhouette with neat and clean, easily visible hand writing. Then, change the blade setting, cut it cleanly as this vinyl is quite thicker. Decorate these letters a bit more. Add this silver premium into the Silhoutte, cut them and stick to the stocking. Your White Christmas Stockings are ready for use. Learn How To Make

White Christmas Stockings

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