Halloween – The Story Behind It and To Do Activities

Halloween is also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve is a festival celebrated in a number of countries on 31 October. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed.

As we know Halloween is a very big festival and peoples from around the world love to celebrate this festival. It’s a favorite festival for the kids. So before you start getting ready for the Halloween, you must know the about Halloween and the story behind this festival. You could try watching some educational videos with your children about Halloween, to add some fun and learning to the holiday. Keep reading to find out what we think are important points about Halloween.

  • Story Behind Halloween
  • Halloween Around the world
  • Halloween Activities
  • Halloween Decorations
  • Halloween Makeup
  • Halloween Costumes
  • Halloween Food
  • Halloween Party
  • Jack o Lanterns
  • Halloween For Kids

Story Behind Halloween

Peoples celebrate the Halloween on the eve of 31st October every year from all over the world. The word Halloween or Hallowe’en dates to about 1745 and is of Christian origin. The word “Hallowe’en” means “hallowed evening” or “holy evening”. It comes from a Scottish term for All Hallows’ Eve. In Scots, the word “Eve” is even. Although the phrase “All Hallows'” is found in Old English “All Hallows’ Eve” is itself not seen until 1556.

Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, while some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called parental. In a number of countries around the world, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes, and sweet treats. Get the complete history of Halloween at – Wikipedia.

Halloween Around the world

It’s a most popular festival in the United State, Canada and among the Christian community, But this festival celebrated by the so many countries and religious. As every country has their own tradition for the every festival, So different country celebrate it in a different way. The countries of Europe are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, England, and Scotland. There are some countries from Asia, which are also celebrating the Halloween. China, Japan, the Philippines, and Singapore are the countries which celebrate this festival. There are other countries as which celebrate this festival, but as on a small scale, or some of part of the county. Like India has Christian community, people from this community in India celebrate the Halloween.
Images BYTravel Channel

Halloween Activities and Things To Do

At every festival has a tradition which is followed by the peoples and there are so many things which people love to during the Halloween. The most important activities are Decorations, Makeup, Costumes Food, and Party. Halloween is a festival of creepy and scary things, so we can see that look in everything during this festival. Because decoration is most important part of any festival and it also important for the Halloween. People’s love decorates their home, outdoor with creepy, ghostly and scary things. All age peoples love to wear the costumes for the eve of Halloween. There are many types of costume which can wear for this festival, but some of being very popular like the ghost, scary, animal, Skelton, and many more other costumes.

Both women and men love to wear makeup for this festival. Some of the popular makeup are a zombie, witch, vampire, scary, mermaid, Joker, half face, doll, devil, deer, creepy, sugar skull, animal and day of the dead. During the Halloween, we can see all the things have a creepy and scary look and Food also a part of it. There are so many types of food decoration which will really look very terrifying, horrible and ghostly. Party also a very important part of this festival and we can’t miss it on the Halloween Eve. Most of the people love to attend the party after wearing their favorite costume and makeup. Jack o Lanterns will add an extra beauty to Halloween and Party Decorations.

Halloween Decorations

Decoration is a most important part of any festival and when we talked about the Halloween there are so many types of scary and creepy Halloween decoration ideas comes in our mind. Some the most popular theme for the Halloween decorations are scary, Disney, creepy, cheap, vintage, party, spider, skeleton, ghost, pumpkin and zombie. The popular place for the decorations is outdoors, door, table, yard, and bathroom. But you can choose any theme according to your choice. The places which are mentioned are popular, but that isn’t meant you don’t require to decorate other places. The festival always gives an opportunity to spend a quality time with your family and kids. Below are some ideas for the Halloween decorations. Scroll down below and get inspired by these stunning Halloween Decorations Ideas.

Scary Halloween Decorations

As it is a festival of scary and creepy things, So your decoration must be look scary. This stunning outdoor scary decoration can be a perfect choice for your home.

Scary Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Residence Style

Disney Halloween Decorations

We all love the Disney world. So if you are fan of Disney world then you must love to have that look in your festival decoration. This stunning Disney look can be a perfect choice for your indoor decoration for this festival.

Disney Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Pinterest

Halloween Door Decorations

When guest arrived at home during the festival the first thing they see is front door. So if you want to impress your guest and neighbors during this festival session. Give a try to this stunning door decoration.

Halloween Door DecorationsImage BY – Homebnc

Creepy Halloween Decorations

This scene of zombie hand coming out from the door will really scare the peoples during this festival. Your guest, friends and family member will really appreciate if you choose this creepy decoration idea.

Creepy Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Pinterest

Cute Halloween Decorations

It’s not always necessary to make a decoration for the Halloween which look creepy and scary. Sometime you can give a try to a cute decoration. These small ghosts will give a perfect look to your decoration and they will also not scare your kids.

ALSO READ  Vampire Halloween Makeup Tutorials For Creepy Halloween Look

Cute Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Pinterest

Halloween Table Decorations

Table is a most important part of any festival decoration. Because this is a place where your guest going to get to gather. So you must love to give a very stunning look to your Halloween table decoration.

Halloween Table DecorationsImage BY – Pinterest

Cheap Halloween Decorations

Everyone can’t afford to spend lot’s money to purchase the required things for the festival decoration. So sometime it;s better to choose a kind of decoration which can be done very cheaply. Use the things available in your home and purchase some cheap thing from the store.

Cheap Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Magment

Easy Halloween Decorations

Festival gives an opportunity to spend quality time your family and friends. Some time we don’t get enough chance for decoration. But that is not means to skip the decoration, Choose some easy decoration which can be done easily and don’t take much time. These stunning hanging ghosts is a perfect example.

Easy Halloween DecorationsImage BY – DIY Network

Vintage Halloween Decorations

We called vintage for those thing which never get old and always in a trend from long time. So if you are fan of vintage thing then you must love to have that look in your Halloween decoration. The decoration idea shown will give a stunning look to your home during this festival.

Vintage Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Minimalisti

Outdoor Halloween Decorations

Outdoor is a most important part for the Halloween decoration and no one want to miss that place. You can choose different types of theme for the outdoor decoration, but if you really want to have a real Halloween look then the decoration theme shown below can be a perfect choice.

Outdoor Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Residence Style

Halloween Yard Decorations

This Hanging Zombie will give a really scary look to your yard decoration. It’s very easy to make and can be done very easily. Give a stunning look to your yard and enjoy the festival.

Halloween Yard DecorationsImage BY – Residence Style

Halloween Party Decorations

If you are going to organize the Halloween party then you have to do lots of things to give stunning look to your party place. This tick or treat table decoration will add an extra beauty in your Halloween decoration.

Halloween Party DecorationsImage BY – Homebnc

Spider Halloween Decorations

Spider is very popular for the decoration and we all love to make a spider wed in our outdoor or indoor during the Halloween. Make this stunning spider web in porch or outdoor to get a perfect look.

Spider Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Varemerke

Skeleton Halloween Decorations

These Skeleton playing in the ground will definitely grab the attention of your guest and peoples passing near to your home. Try to make this decoration for this year and after seeing this decoration your guest will definitely appreciate it.

Skeleton Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Residence Style

Ghost Halloween Decorations

Ghost is a perfect choice for the Halloween decoration. Because you can use them anywhere in your indoor or outdoor. The best thing to choose ghost decoration is that it can be done very easily and will not take much time.

Ghost Halloween DecorationsImage BY – HGTV

Pumpkin Halloween Decorations

Pumpkin is a very important part for the decoration and without having some stunning pumpkin decoration this festival can not be look perfect. Below pumpkin decoration can be a perfect example.

Pumpkin Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Homyxl

Zombie Halloween Decorations

We all see walking zombie in so many movies and they really look very creepy and scary. Zombies are also very popular for the decoration. Give stunning look to your garden or outdoor by placing this stunning zombie.

Zombie Halloween DecorationsImage BY – Mtmoosic

Halloween Makeup

The Men and Women both love to wear a stunning makeup for the Halloween eve. There are a thousand types of makeup ideas which you can choose. But some of them are very popular and most of the peoples love to wear them. The popular Halloween makeup ideas are a zombie, witch, vampire, simple, scary, mermaid, Joker, half face, doll, devil, deer, creepy, sugar skull, animal and day of the dead Makeup. As kids loves all the festival and we can’t ignore them during the Halloween. Because Kids also loves to wear the makeup during the Halloween and the most popular makeup for the kids are Batmen, Spiderman and Supermen. Kids love to have the look of their favorite superhero for the Halloween eve, and there are many different ways to look cute in a superhero suit. Check the below mention makeup ideas and get inspired for this year Halloween.

Zombie Halloween Makeup

Zombies look very creepy and scary. As this festival is very famous for it’s creepy and scary things. So if you want to have a very scary look for this festival. Give a try this very creepy Zombie makeup and scare the peoples in the party. Check More Zombie Makeup Tutorials

Zombie Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Witch Halloween Makeup

A woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick. So get the Witch look this year and celebrate this festival in it’s real way. Check More Witch Makeup Tutorials

Witch Halloween MakeupImages BY – The Xerxes

Vampire Halloween Makeup

The Vampire look like a real human, but they are very dangerous for the Human. Vampire makeup can be a perfect choice for this festival. Below makeup is very simple to do and will not take much time. Check More Vampire Makeup Tutorials

Vampire Halloween MakeupImages BY – Wassup Mate

Simple Halloween Makeup

Everyone is not a artist and so some time it’s better to choose a simple makeup which can be done in very quick time. Because it’s also cost of lot’s of money if you choose to hire a makeup artist. Check More Simple Makeup Tutorials

Simple Halloween MakeupImages BY – The Fashions Spot

Scary Halloween Makeup

This scary ghost will really grab the attention of the peoples in the party. Choose this makeup idea for this year and get ready to rock the party. Check More Scary Makeup Tutorials

Scary Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Mermaid Halloween Makeup

A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. If you love this creature look shown in the below image then choose it for this year. Check More Mermaid Makeup Tutorials

ALSO READ  Scary Halloween Decorations Ideas For DIY This Year

Mermaid Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Joker Halloween Makeup

Joker is a very popular character from the movie The Dark Knight and it’s also a very popular for the makeup during the festival. Give a try this stunning Joker look for this year. Check More Joker Makeup Tutorials

Joker Halloween MakeupImages BY – Deviant Art

Half Face Halloween Makeup

There are different types of makeup which you can adopt for this festival. But if we really want to grab the attention of peoples. Then this stunning Half Face makeup can be a perfect choice. Check More Half Face Makeup Tutorials

Half Face Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Doll Halloween Makeup

Doll is a very popular makeup idea for this festival and most the girls love to have this makeup. Along with doll makeup the this very coll hair big add an extra scariness in the Makeup. Give a try to this awesome for this year. Check More Doll Makeup Tutorials

Doll Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Devil Halloween Makeup

According to Christianity, The Devil is primary opponent of God. As this festival is know for it’s scariness. Devil makeup look can be best choice for this festival. Check More Devil Makeup Tutorials

Devil Halloween MakeupImages BY – Purse Buzz

Deer Halloween Makeup

If you are person who love animal and always wanted to show your craziness for them. Then Halloween is a perfect time for it. Give a try to this awesome deer makeup and rock the party. Check More Deer Makeup Tutorials

Deer Halloween MakeupImages BY – Imgur

Creepy Halloween Makeup

Everyone want to look creepy during this festival. If you really want to have a very creepy look for this year. Then will be no better choice then this Creepy nun makeup, because we all know the nun for her humble work. Check More Creepy Makeup Tutorials

Creepy Halloween MakeupImages BY – Kick Vick

Sugar skull Halloween Makeup

There will be no better choice then Sugar skull makeup for this festival. If love to try colorful makeup then you must love this stunning Sugar skull makeup. Check More Sugar skull Makeup Tutorials

Sugar skull Halloween MakeupImages BY – Pinterest

Animal Halloween Makeup

There are so many types of animal look which we can choose for the Halloween makeup. But most of the women love to have a beautiful deer makeup. Below makeup idea can be perfect example for Animal makeup. Check More Animal Makeup Tutorials

Animal Halloween MakeupImages BY – Deviant Art

Day of The Dead Halloween Makeup

Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and by people of Mexican ancestry living in other places, especially the United States. People love to do makeup for it and they called it Day of The Dead Makeup. Below is one of the example of Day of The Dead Makeup.

Day of The Dead Halloween MakeupImages BY – Time For Fashion

Halloween Makeup For Kids

Kids love all the festival and when we talked about the Halloween. They are crazy for this festival and they love to have some unique and stunning makeup for this festival. Below example can be a perfect choice for your kids. Check More Makeup For Kids With Tutorials

Halloween Makeup For KidsImages BY – Pinterest

Halloween Costumes

Halloween can not look perfect without having an awesome costume. We all love to wear the costumes for this festival. So if you are a creative person and always looking for a chance to show your creativity, then Halloween is a perfect time for it. Design your own Halloween costume and rock the Halloween party. During this festival all age peoples love to wear costumes, kids love to have their favorite superhero costumes. Everyone has their own choice and no one wants to compromise with it. If you are parents of a newborn baby, then you must love to make the Halloween memorable for the lifetime. Choose a kind of costume for your baby, which can give a really awesome look. Here are some example Halloween costumes for all ages. Choose the best one for yourself and enjoy the festival.

Halloween Costumes For Kids

If you are a parents of some kids and wanted to celebrate this festival them. Then you must have to make some unique costumes for them. Below ghost costume can be a perfect example for your kids.

Halloween Costumes For KidsImage BY – Mommy Shorts

Couples Halloween Costumes

This festival is a perfect time for the couples to choose some unique costumes. Choose any theme which your look perfect and grab the attention of the peoples in the party. You can also give a try to this stunning costume shown in the below picture for this year.

Couples Halloween CostumesImage BY – Pinterest

Wonder Woman Costume

Guys love to have a costume of their favorite superhero. But if you are a girls and wanted to have costume which can make your powerful women then this stunning wonder women costume this year.

Wonder Woman CostumeImage BY – Comics Alliance

Baby Girl Halloween Costumes

Are you a parents of a cute baby girl? then you must love to have very unique costume for her. Because every parents love to do that. Give a try to this amazing Doll look to your Baby girl.

Baby Girl Halloween CostumesImage BY – The Idea Room

Halloween Costumes For Boys

Boys always love to a very power character costume for this festival. No one want to look week, So if you want to give a powerful feeling to your boy. Give a try to this awesome costume shown in the below picture.

Halloween Costumes For BoysImage BY – Country Living

Newborn Halloween Costumes

Celebrating this festival with a new born baby is always a great time. Every parents want to make the first Halloween with new born memorable. If you are a parents of new born baby then you must love to try this awesome ghost costume.

Newborn Halloween CostumesImage BY – ETSY

Ghost Halloween Costume

Ghost is a most popular theme for Decoration, Makeup and costumes. Most of the couples and individual love to have the ghost costume. Give a try to Ghost makeup this year and grab the attention of the peoples in the party.

Ghost Halloween CostumeImage BY – Costume Craze

Superman Halloween Costume

Kids love the superhero and they always want to look like them. Because they think that if they have the superhero look they will be also powerful. This festival is a perfect time to make superhero costume and wear it.

ALSO READ  15 DIY Halloween Decorations You Never Wish To Miss

Superman Halloween CostumeImage BY – Pinterest

Halloween Food

No festival can be perfect without having some delicious food. But as we are talking about the Halloween, so we must love to cook and decorate the kind of food which look very terrifying, horrible and ghostly. Some the popular food is finger Bat treats, skull drink, ghost treat bags, spooky popcorn, monster apples, mummy buddies, black cat cupcakes and much more. Below are some popular food decoration ideas which you must love to have on your table for the Halloween eve. Check these ideas and choose the best one for your guest and family members.

Bat Treats

Every love the delicious food during the festival and when we are talking about this scary festival we must love to see that look in the food as well. This stunning bat treats will give an extra beauty to your dinner table.

Bat TreatsImage BY – Lollyjane

Skull Halloween Drink

Skull is a important part of this festival and Just think about that you have a wine in bottle which have skull look. It will definitely inspire your guest to drink another glass of wine.

Skull Halloween DrinkImage BY – Pinterest

Dead Man’s Finger Food

No other Food can be better then this dead man’s finger food. If you really want to scare your guest and peoples who is going to take dinner with you. Then you must have to give a try to this very scary food.

Dead Man's Finger FoodImage BY – Parenting

Ghost Treat Bags

Make some ghost treat bags using paper and fill them with some sweet candy and chocolates. They can be perfect gift for the kids and peoples who is going to attend the party.

Ghost Treat BagsImage BY – Aboutamom

Spooky Popcorn

Popcorn is best snacks and it’s loved by the peoples from around the world. Make some spooky popcorn and get them on the table when you gather with your friends and guest.

Spooky PopcornImage BY – Cincyshopper

Monster Apples

This festival give an opportunity to every one show the creativity and have fun with that. Especially kids love this festival, because it’s a perfect time show the creativity. These Monster Apples will be fun for everyone.

Monster ApplesImage BY – Real Momnutrition

Mummy Buddies

Peoples love to enjoy this stunning festival and everything have the creepy and scary look. These Mummy Buddies will rally make your table look perfect on the eve of this festival.

Mummy BuddiesImage BY – Life With The Crust Cut off

Black Cat Cupcakes

The Cupcakes are the best food for any festival and you can give them the look as per the festival. If you are going to make cupcakes for the Halloween then you must love to give a try to these Black Cat Cupcakes.

Black Cat CupcakesImage BY – The Cake Blog

Halloween Party

Did you know why we wear the Makeup and costume on the Halloween? It’s a tradition of the festival, but there is another reason to wear a stunning makeup and costumes for the Halloween. Because we all love to attend the Halloween party and if we want to grab the attention of the peoples in the party we must have to look unique and different from the others.

If you are a person who is going to arrange the Halloween party for your guest and friends, then you have to do lots of things. Need to decorate the place where peoples going to gather. Cooked some delicious food and decorate them on the table. Keep in mind that your food must have a creepy and scary look because it’s a Halloween party. Here are some ideas for the Halloween party. Check these ideas and choose the best one for Halloween this year.

Halloween Party Buffet

This buffet will really scare the peoples when they are around the table for the dinner. You can get this look very easily and it will not take much time. But you must have to cooked the food to server on the table.

Halloween Party BuffetImage BY – The Xerxes

Kids Halloween Party

Kids have their own choice for the Halloween party and there are so many types of candy and many more things on the table. To decorate the perfect table for the party give a try to idea shown in the below picture.

Kids Halloween PartyImage BY – Honey Bearlane

Halloween Party Table

Table decoration is a most important part for the any festival. As we are talking about the Halloween, So the table must need to have a creepy and scary look. The table decoration idea shown in the below picture will really inspire your guest to wow.

Halloween Party TableImage BY – Hello Brielle

Jack o Lanterns

Pumpkin is the most import part of the Halloween and your decoration can not look perfect without having a decorated pumpkin in your Halloween decorations. The best thing which we can make using pumpkin is Jack o Lanterns. You use these Jack o Lanterns at any place in your home. The best place for these Lanterns is fireplaces, windows and front door of your home. Below some beautiful examples of Jack o Lanterns. Check these ideas and choose the best one for coming Halloween.

Jack-O'-Lantern JamboreeImage BY – Atmosfx

Angry Jack-o-lanternsImage BY – Jackolanternlouisville

Rise Of The Jack O' LanternsImage BY – Happeningmag

Halloween For Kids

I don’t think there is anyone more excited than kids for the Halloween. Halloween is a time when kids get a chance to have lots of fun, candy, and their most favorite superhero costumes. Every parent loves to make Halloween memorable if they are celebrated, it with a newborn baby. It’s always the best thing to make the costumes for your kids by yourself. Here are some Halloween costume ideas and to do list for the kind of the Halloween.

Halloween Costumes for Kids

Halloween Costumes for KidsImage BY – Dailyroabox

Halloween Makeup For Kids

Halloween Makeup For KidsImage BY – Familyholiday

Halloween Crafts For Kids

Halloween Crafts For KidsImage BY – Dailyroabox

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